Mariana Cané Pastorutti

Mariana Cané Pastorutti has a degree in Sociology (UBA), a Master's degree in Political Science (UNSAM) and a PhD in Social Sciences (UBA). She is currently a postdoctoral fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (Argentina) based at the Center for Sociopolitical Studies (Interdisciplinary School of High Social Studies, Universidad Nacional de Gral. San Martín), and teaches undergraduate (Political Sociology) and graduate (Communication and Politics) at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA. His research addresses political discourses in times of crisis, especially in their anti-political form, from an approach that articulates French discourse analysis and post-foundational political thought. He is a member of several research groups and has directed, since 2020, the project “The political question. Politics, the political and the social in contemporary political thought” at the FSOC/UBA. He has published several book chapters and articles in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Spain.

Selected publications

(2024) Discursos políticos en crisis: Duhalde (2002), Fernández de Kirchner (2008) y Fernández (2020) como políticos-docentes. Linguagem em (Dis)curso, 24, p. 1-19, 2024.

(2024) Las palabras y los tiempos. La crisis de 2001 en los discursos políticos (1999-2003). Astrolabio, (32), 270–303.

(2023) Apolítica, antipolítica, política. Los otros de la política en La condición humana de Hannah Arendt. Revista Argentina de Ciencia Política, I(30), 240-258. ISSN 0329-3092. [

(2022) De credos y plegarias. Emociones e identidad política en los discursos Rodríguez Saá y Duhalde (Argentina, diciembre 2001-enero 2002), en L. Anapios y C. Hammerschmidt [Coords.], Políticas, afectos e identidades en América Latina (pp. 185-208), Buenos Aires: CLACSO; Guadalajara: CALAS; San Martín: UNSAM; Jena: Universitat Jena; Alemania: Bundesministerium für Bildung. ISBN 978-987-813-117-7

(2019) Todos los tiempos, el tiempo. Reflexiones sobre lo político y el tiempo. Pensamiento al margen, (10). Dossier: La política y lo político. Ateneo de Estudios Políticos, Murcia, España.

(2018) Lo político en Ernesto Laclau. Sobredeterminación y pluralidad en la constitución de las identidades políticas. Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política, (48), 1-27. Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. ISSN 2314-2553.


Research project at CALAS

Title: From inevitability to uncertainty. Crisis and Time in Peronist Identity (Argentina, 1989-2003)


How do political identities construct future time in times of crisis? This research will try to offer an exploratory answer to this question by focusing on the study of the evolution of one of the central political identities in the Argentine political matrix, such as the Peronist political identity; The focus will be placed between the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, specifically in relation to two key moments of socio-political dislocation, such as the hyperinflationary crisis of 1989-1991 and the crisis of 2001-2002, taking into account that both were dealt with, mainly, by Peronist governments (Carlos Menem's, in the first case, and Néstor Kirchner's -after the provisional presidency of Eduardo Duhalde, also Peronist-, in the second). We understand that socio-political crises, being a time-space in which those very coordinates are affected by a conflictive redefinition among multiple diagnoses, constitute privileged processes for the study of the modes of construction of time in political discourses. Thus, we propose to analyze the ways of constructing the crisis developed by two formulations of Peronist identity (the Menemist discourse, with respect to the hyperinflationary crisis, and the Kirchnerist discourse, with respect to the 2001 crisis), paying special attention to the way of conceiving common time developed by each of them. The working hypothesis is that between both formulations of Peronist identity there was a reconfiguration of identity sustained, among other elements, in a mutation of the way of conceiving common time, from an inevitable one (in Menemism) to a multiform one (in Kirchnerism); both conceptions entail dissimilar ways of considering the future: while in the first one it is considered as inevitable/inexorable, in the second one, it appears relatively more indeterminate. In each of them, the role recognized for politics is also dissimilar, since in the inevitabilist formulation, in which the present and the future are all that can and must be, the dispute for the common that characterizes politics loses its raison d'être (configuring a form of anti-political discourse); in the multiform mode, politics appears as the set of institutions, actors and practices in which there is a dispute to define the common of the community.

At a theoretical-methodological level, the further objective of this research is twofold: to systematize a discursive approach to the study of socio-political crises (through the identification of three central analytical dimensions: typological, identity and temporal); and to outline -specifically in relation to this last dimension- a proposal for the study of the ways of conceiving time in discourses, in general, and political discourses, in particular. The analytical categories offered will not seek to exhaust the discursive approach to crises, but rather to offer a starting point to critically identify relations of force in the discursive field of politics. It is part of the work agenda to submit to discussion the heuristic capacity of this proposal for the study of discursivities that, at least in a restricted sense, could not be defined as political.

Investigador Identidad y crisis: