María Grace Salamanca González

María Grace Salamanca González has a PhD in Philosophy, mention in ethics, politics and law in the framework of a co-direction between the University of Lyon (France) and the Research Program Social Actors of the Medicinal Flora in Mexico (INAH). She is specialist in Epistemologies of the South.

She is a theater actress and practitioner of participation theater as decolonial aesthetics. She studied a post doctorate at the Urban School of Lyon where she worked on the intersections between common health (one health, planetary health), the aesthetics of care and the Anthropocene. She has been a member of clinical and research ethics committees in Mexico, as well as a university professor of ethics, bioethics and epistemology. She currently investigates the realization of ethics and aesthetics of care in collective health in multicultural contexts in the framework of a research project between the Secretariat of Health of Mexico City and the National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico. 


Recent publications:

2021 (with Hersch Martínez, Paul ) «El cuidado y los procesos de atención-desatención como referentes analíticos y operativos para la salud colectiva»  Rev. Fac. Nac. Salud Pública. 15 de diciembre de 2021; 40(1). Disponible:

2021 «La ética como máscara : el imperialismo moral del norte global». En el Volcán Insurgente, 66, Julio Diciembre 2021. Disponible :

2021. «Qui veut écouter le subalterne?», Collection “À partir de l’Anthropocène”, A 2021, École Urbaine de Lyon- Éditions-deux-cent-cinq.  B-24-25.

2021 (with Aceri, Jacinto, Duarte, María Luisa, Ocampo, Gabina, Roque Gil, Miguel). «Sobre nuestro camino hacia la interculturalidad», École Urbaine de Lyon, avril 2021. Disponible en español:

2021. «Vers une santé collective?», Rue 89 Lyon. Disponible:

2020. « Éticas del cuidado, decolonialidad e interculturalidad»,  Rev.Redbioética/UNESCO, Año 11, 1 (21): 59-67.

2020. «Un dialogue à plusieurs voix pour l´avenir ». En Gérald Hess, Corine Pelluchon et Jean- Philippe Pierron (Eds.). Humains, animaux, nature. Quelle éthique des vertus pour le monde qui vient ? Éditions Hermann, p. 379- 382.

2020 (with Hersch Martínez, Paul). «La ética del cuidado desde la epidemiología sociocultural: hacia una ética contra-hegemónica». En Ruiz de Chávez Ramírez, Dellanira et Almeida Perales, Cristina (Eds.). El Derecho de la Salud. Un desafío para el México actual. Zacatecas, México, ALAMES, Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas.

2019. «Care as the human condition». Texto Aberto IEF 7 (2019), 1-8. ion_2019


Research Project as CALAS fellow

Title: Aesthetics of Care for the Anthropocene

Abstract: "Sentipensar" (Feeling-thinking) the crises is urgent. Modern rationality has not been enough to modify the behaviors and policies of the modern, colonial, capitalist and patriarchal world system. The crises of the anthropocene are revealed in ecological, biological, sanitary, political, economic manner, but also anthropological, ethical and aesthetic.

I begin by defining the Anthropocene in a way that questions the human habitation of the planet, that centers the discussion on what it means to be human on earth. Recognizing the importance of the incorporation of knowledge, this project is based on the realization of workshops on the aesthetics of care for the Anthropocene. These workshops will be shared with different collectives in the city of Guadalajara. Respective embodied, sensitive experiences will be shared in the published essay hand in hand with the theoretical elaboration of an ethics-aesthetics of care for the Anthropocene. Three Latin American concepts will be deepened: "sentipensar (feeling-thinking), corazonar (hunch) and buen vivir (good-living).

The starting point of the argument is that the crises we are experiencing in the Anthropocene reflect the human model of modernity, its instrumental rationality, its utilitarian ethics and its rejection of feminized sensibilities. This paper analyzes the anthropocene as a radically moral problem.

The focus of this study is not to describe the crises, nor their genealogies, but to sensitively explore, through the embodied imagination, the real, historically present and subalternized sensibilities that have sustained and sustain lives on earth. Such feminized attentions that pay attention, take care, and sustain our shared worlds.
