Pablo Baisotti

Pablo Baisotti received his doctorate in Institutions, Politics, and History in 2015, at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Bologna. Previously, he obtained a Master in International Relations Europe-Latin America at the same university and another Master in Economic Integration Law, the latter at the Paris 1 University and the University of El Salvador. He studies topics of politics and religion and solidarity economy, the latter of which he will work on during his stay at the CALAS center. As an editor and researcher, he has published and is in the publishing phase of more than 15 books.



Monographs (selection)

2018. ¡Presentes! Mitificación y culto en la España de Franco, 1933-1943. Madrid: Ediciones Y.
2018. La guerra civile spagnola 1932-1943. Il primo franchismo e il culto della morte. Cosenza: Mongolfiera Press.
2017. Fiesta, política y religión, España (1936-1943). Madrid: Ediciones Y.

Articles / Chapters (selection)

2018. "The OBOR initiative in Latin America. Perspectives and possibilities". The Argentine case《一带一路倡议在拉丁美洲前景和可能性:阿根廷案例. Journal of the Belt & Road Studies《一带一路研究》.

2018.  “Inmigración china en Argentina. Historia de un creciente entendimiento “popular”. En: Ricardo Martínez Esquivel (coord.): Chinos de Ultramar: diásporas, sociabilidades e identidades. Ciudad de México: Palabra de Clío
2018. “Higher Education and Citizenship in Latin America”. En: José A. Pineda-Alfonso, Nicolás De Alba-Fernández and Elisa Navarro-Medina (coords.): Handbook of Research on Education for Participative Citizenship and Global Prosperity. Pennsylvania: IGI Global.
2017. “Truth, Human Rights and punishment in Argentina (1983-1989)”. En: Cheng Jing (coord.): O estudo do Desenvolvimento e da História dos paises da América Latina (拉美国家历史 与发展研究) Latin American Studies Series. China: Wuhan University Press.

2017. "El culto a la muerte como principal sustento de las religiones políticas. Los casos del fascismo, el nacionalsocialismo y el franquismo". Journal Estudios.
2017. "The Fall of the Second Wall, The normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States and the role of Pope Francis". Religion & Politics.
2017. "The struggle for Chicano/Latino Studies. Evolution and development in California". Revista Andina de Estudios Políticos 7 (2).
2017. "Diplomacia por Malvinas. Modos, vías y relaciones entre la Argentina y Gran Bretaña (1982–1989)". Diacronie 29.
2016. "Triatlón cívico. Elecciones presidenciales en Argentina durante el 2015 (y muchas más...)". Iberoamericana. Nordic journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.


Research project as a fellow of CALAS:

Title: Economy "from below": The solidarity economy as a way to face crises from Latin America (2001-2019)

Abstract: Faced with the political and economic crisis in Latin America, a change for collective action was needed urgently to generate emerging socio-economic, political and cultural alternatives. The solidarity economy stands up against this inequality to address the multiple challenges that society and the economy must address. The solidarity economy phenomenon is an alternative mode of production and distribution, periodically created by those who are (or fear being) marginalized from the labor market. It can be adopted nationally, regionally or continentally. It constitutes an emerging and alternative socio-economic initiative for the construction of "another economy" oriented towards a new counter-hegemonic space-time of alternative energy. This research will map the relationship between the rise of the solidarity economy and economic inequality in Latin America and tries to explain the factors that mediate the relationship between them, concentrating on labor markets and the construction of "another economy." For this, the following exercises will be applied: regional cluster analysis and a comparative case study. With regard to cluster analysis, I propose that descriptive statistics be used to group the countries and proceed to break down most of the dissimilar cases in relation to the solidarity economy projects that are carried out. Then, group the countries according to the types of solidarity economy, taking into account the degrees of political and economic inequality, and then evaluate the similarities and differences between them. The comparative studies will cover the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Costa Rica and Uruguay. In these cases, the objective is to analyze the historical evolution of the solidarity economy and the political and economic inequalities, the most important debates on the types of solidarity economy and their application during the last two decades (2001-2019), and the way in that the solidarity economy has modified social relations and the relationships between different social actors and the economic policies and political of different governments.


Centroamérica y el Caribe