Nelson Germán Nogales González

Nelson Germán Nogales Gonzáles (PhD, Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, Ecuador) is a postdoctoral and independent researcher. He specializes in democratic institutions and political elites. In recent years, has carried out work, investigating the impacts on vulnerable groups in disaster contexts.


Publicaciones (Selección)

2019 (with Waldmüller, J. y Cobey, R.). “Assessment of Local Adaptive Capacities in the Context of Local Politics after the 2016 Ecuadorian Earthquake.” En International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

2019 (with Waldmüller, J. y Cobey, R.).” Monitoreo de Derechos humanos y gestión del riesgo desde un enfoque del desarrollo humano: visibilizar e invisibilizar actores, derechos y capacidades”. En Revista Foro 30, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Quito.

2019 (with Waldmüller, J. y Jamali, H.). “Operationalizing Sustainable Development Goals in Vulnerable Coastal Areas of Ecuador and Pakistan: ¿Marginalizing Human Development?”

2014. “Institucionalización interna de los partidos políticos: Un ensayo de discusión”. En Revista de Investigación, Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales. Quito: UDLA.


Research project

Title: "The role of provincial economic elites in the processes of state capture"

Abstract: This research project seeks to analyze the role of the provincial economic elites of Manabí, Los Ríos and Azuay in processes of state capture. In this regard, the study poses the thesis that these elites mobilize votes and other resources in favor of politicians in certain territories in order to subsequently manipulate the processes of discussion and approval of tax and economic regulations. This work will be carried out employing a qualitative approach, by triangulating information to build trajectories and map relations through the atlas.ti software. The aim of the work is to interlink the political and economic spheres and to expose the importance of the provincial elites in the processes of local wealth accumulation. Furthermore, the study reflects on the processes of state capture, trying to demonstrate the impact of provincial elites as intermediaries between the dominant economic groups and political power at different levels (national, provincial, cantonal).

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