Maristella Svampa

Maristella Svampa is a Senior Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical Research Council at the IdIHCS, National University of La Plata. She is also a Professor at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata and in charge of the course “Latin American Social Theory.” She obtained her doctorate in social sciences (specializing in sociology) from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Paris (1992). She attained a Dipômes d’Etudes Aproffondies in History and Civilization from the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (Michel de Certeau Award) and in Philosophy from the University of Paris I (Panthéon-Sorbonne), both in 1988. She received the University Award for her undergraduate thesis in philosophy from the National University of Cordoba.

Over the course of her research career, she has received numerous honors, including the Konex Merit Diploma (2006, 2014, 2016) and a Guggenheim fellowship (2006).




2017. Del Cambio de época al fin de ciclo. Gobiernos progresistas, extractivismo, movimientos sociales en América Latina, Buenos aires, Edhasa.

2016. Debates Latinoamericanos. Indianismo, Desarrollo, Dependencia, Populismo. Buenos Aires, Edhasa

2015. El desarrollo en disputa. Actores, conflictos y modelos de desarrollo en la Argentina contemporánea Maristella Svampa (coordinadora), Buenos Aires, editorial de la UNGS.

2014. Maldesarrollo. La Argentina del extractivismo y del despojo. (en colaboración con Enrique Viale), Buenos Aires, Ediciones Katz

2013. El muro, novela, Buenos Aires, Edhasa.

2012. 15 mitos y realidades sobre la minería transnacional en Argentina, libro en colaboración con H.Machado Araoz et all. (-Editorial Abya Yala, Fund.,Rosa Luxemburgo, Quito, Ecuador).

2012. Donde están enterrados nuestros muertos (novela),Buenos Aires, Edhasa.

2010. Debatir Bolivia. Perspectivas de un proyecto de descolonización; en colaboración con  Pablo Stefanoni y Bruno Fornillo, Buenos Aires, Taurus, septiembre de 2010.


Research project as CALAS fellow

Title: Neo-extractivisms and socio-environmental conflicts in Latin America


We will address the problem of neo-extractivism from a Latin American and geopolitical perspective, which contemplates an analysis of the consequences and different dimensions of the division of labor between the countries of the North and the south. The issue of the expansion of extractivism in southern countries in the last twenty years, the different phases of what we have called the "Commodities Consensus"; the type of resistance that extractivism has generated (the "ecoterritorial turn of the struggles" and the new political grammar; what are the changes introduced from the role of the (new) emerging powers -among them, China-) will be debated.
