Fernando Resende

Fernando Resende is Professor at the Department of Cultural and Media Studies and the Graduate Program in Communication at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Brazil. He has a Post-doctorate at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS - University of London), a PhD in Communication Sciences from the University of São Paulo (USP); Master in Literary Studies from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), both in Brazil. He is Researcher PQ/CNPq. He researches topics related to communication studies and journalism, conflict narratives and diasporic movements, comparative studies of journalism, documentaries and literature. He works mainly in the following conceptual areas: territory, discourse, narratives, image theory, southern theories, culture, communication, otherness, conflict. Also of interest are issues related to the so-called "Global South" and its geopolitical intercessions, thought from Latin America and/or the Middle East.


Books (last 5 years):

2020 (with D. Amaral y R. Robalinho, eds.). Modos de Ser Sul: territorialidades, afetos e poder. Rio de Janeiro: E-books.

2019 (with M. Iqani, eds.). Media and the Global South: narrative territorialities and cross-cultural currents. New York/New Delhi: Routledge. 


Journal articles and book chapters (selección):

2021. “Ciudades e imágenes del Sur Global: geografías sin hogar, cuerpos que vibran”. In: G. Cebey (ed.). Cine y Megalópolis – aproximaciones a la ciudad latino-americana desde el cine urbano. Ciudad de Mexico: UNAM, 2021. 

2020. “Geographies of the South: unfolding experiences and narrative territorialities”. In: H. Amanshauser y K. Bradley (eds.). Navigating the Planetary. Viena: Verlag für moderne Kunst, 2020. 

2020 (with D. Amaral & R. Robalinho). “Inventar o Sul”. En: F. Resende, D. Amaral & R. Robalinho (eds.). Modos de Ser Sul: territorialidades, afetos e poder. Rio de Janeiro: E-books, 2020.

2020. “O que nos ensina o monstro de Rosa: a narrativa como percurso, o pensamento como problema”. In: S. Melo et al. (eds.). Explorando os entremeios: cultura e comunicação na literatura de João Guimarães Rosa. São Paulo: HUCITEC. 

2019 (with M. Iqani). “Theorising Media in and across the Global South: Narrative as Territory, Culture as Flow”. In: F. Resende y M. Iqani (eds.). Media and the Global South: narrative territorialities and cross-cultural currents. New York/New Delhi: Routledge. 

2019 (with R. Robalinho y D. Amaral). “Quando a imagem é corpo: modos de sobreviver à máquina colonial”. Revista Comunicação Mídia e Consumo (ESPM), São Paulo, v. 16, n. 47, Setembro/Dezembro.

2017 (with S. Thies). “Entangled temporalities in the Global South”. Contracampo – Brazilian Journal of Communication (UFF), Institute of Arts and Communication, Niterói, v. 36, n. 3, p. 2-14.

2017. “Reporting Pre-1948 Palestine in Brazil: the journalistic narrative and the British Empire”. In: Z. Harb (ed.). Reporting the Middle East: the practice of news in the 21st Century. London: IB Tauris, 2017. 

2017. “Imprensa e Conflito: narrativas de uma geografia violentada”. In: A. Peixinho y T. Araújo (eds.). Narrativa e Media: Géneros, Figuras e Contextos. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. 

2016 (with A Peres). “Nós, as testemunhas: notas sobre um jornalismo de teor testemunhal.” Dispositiva – Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação Social da Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes da PUC Minas, Belo Horizonte, v. 5, p. 121-137.

2014. “The Global South: conflicting narratives and the invention of geographies.” IBRAAZ – Contemporary Visual Culture in North Africa and the Middle East. London, UK.


Research Project as CALAS fellow

Title: Geographies of the south and insurgent territories: Latin America as a moving body

Abstract: The crisis in Latin America, whose principles of exclusion and suppressing processes do not cease to be present, create historical and long-lasting clashes of a political and cultural nature. This perspective activates challenges that transcend disciplinary paradigms, forcing the production of a transversal look that takes into account the juxtaposition of pairs, such as space/time, that, in the social fabric, produce knowledge and power. Departing from this premise, this project crosses theoretical and analytical tools taken from the fields of Geography and Media Studies, considering as a research problem the tension between the activation of territorial policies of containment and exclusion, conducted by state power practices of colonialist origin, and a territorial experience of "r-existence", which is sustained by the bodies and knowledges of those who weave the inhabited territory. Seeing Latin America as a moving body, this clash produces a reflection on the crisis in its social dimension, regarding the fact of it also being political, cultural and economic. Part of its proposition is to understand the crisis from geographical and subjective perspectives, comparing archeological sites and recent film productions in/from Brazil and Mexico, with the objective of shedding light to a political-cultural entanglement. By doing so, in a critical way, the task is also to read the crisis from a decolonial viewpoint, a relevant strategy for the production of thought about that territory. The dystopian present to which the territory is many times submitted, engendered as it is in the experience of the crisis, is nowadays emplotting forms of narration that help us to problematize the very notion of time, a category that also becomes central to the understanding of the crisis as an issue.
