Alba Carosio

Alba Carosio (PhD, UCV-FACES-CEAP) is a Full-Time Professor of Philosophy and Management Ethics, Management and Professor of Contemporary Feminist Thought in the Master's Program in Women's Studies at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. She is a researcher for the Romulo Gallegos Center for Latin American Studies (CELARG) and the Centro Miranda Internacional (CIM). She has been Director of the Center for Women's Studies at the Universidad Central de Venezuela and is Co-Coordinator of the GT CLACSO Feminismos, Resistencias y Emancipación.


Publications (Selection)

2020. La emancipación desde los feminismos latinoamericanos y caribeños (2020). Cuadernos del Pensamiento Crítico N° 72. Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO).

2020. “Feminismos latinoamericano-caribeños para pensar y transformar Nuestra América”  en Álvarez, Jairo Estrada; Carolina Jiménez Martín y José Francisco Puello-Socarrás (eds.). Contra Nuestra América : estrategias de la derecha en el siglo XXI. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: CLACSO.

2019. “Los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible desde una mirada feminista” en Rodríguez López, Patricia, María Luisa González Marín y Martha Patricia Castañeda Salgado (eds.). Los feminismos latinoamericanos ante los retos del milenio. México: UNAM- CEICH.

2017. “Somos las mismas. Academia y militancia feminista en nuestro Sur” Documento de Trabajo 17. Colección Documentos de Trabajo de CELARG. Caracas: CELARG.

2017. “Retos en las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de América Latina y el Caribe”. En González Broquen, Ximena y Ruiz, Francisco Javier (editores). Pensar desde el Sur. Tomo 1. Caracas-Buenos Aires: IVIC –CLACSO.

2017. “Feminismos para ampliar el horizonte del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano” en Sagot, Montserrat (ed.). Feminismos, Pensamiento Crítico y Propuestas Alternativas. Costa Rica–Buenos Aires: UCR y CLACSO.

2017. “El chavismo como movimiento y pensamiento político”. En Carosio, Alba; Rodriguez, Indhira Libertad y Bracamonte, Leonardo. Chavismo – Genealogía de una pasión política. Caracas: CELARG, CIM , CLACSO.

2017 (como editora). Chavismo: genealogía de una pasión política (2017) Caracas CELARG, CIM, CLACSO

2016. “Pensamiento feminista para ampliar el horizonte crítico y político” Publicación especial Las Ciencias Sociales y los procesos de cambio en el Siglo XXI. Centro Internacional Miranda.

2016. “Política Social para la Justicia” Dossier especial de la revista Encuentros Latinoamericanos. Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios Latinoamericanos (CEIL), UDELAR, Uruguay.

2016. “Contribuciones del Pensamiento Feminista al Pensamiento Social”. En Revista latinoamericana de Investigación Crítica, 3,5, CLACSO.


Reearch project

Title:“The impact of Covid-19 on inequality in Latin America”

Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic struck Latin America and the Caribbean as a region with deep structural and social inequalities – featuring high economic vulnerability and a pronounced trend of increasing poverty and low economic growth since 2014. Before the coronavirus crisis, 30% of the Latin American population was already living in poverty; 11% of which situated in extreme poverty, living in households with insufficient income to cover the cost of basic subsistence foods. (ECLAC, 2020).

ECLAC has warned that the outcome of the regional economic recession caused by the Coronavirus could be 35 million new poor; 65% of this – 22 million – being extremely poor. It is projected that the economy of Latin America and the Caribbean will suffer an economic contraction of 5.3% in 2020. This is also due to the decline in global economic activity, particularly in the United States, China and Europe, that has a negative impact on Latin America and the Caribbean because of reduced demand, especially for raw materials. Thus, the effects of COVID-19 will generate the largest recession the region has suffered since 1914 and 1930.

The research project aims to develop a comprehensive descriptive analysis of the impact and consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The specific objectives and analysis variables included in this purpose are

  • Description of the main measures taken by the countries: confrontation of the crisis, containment and differentiated protection measures; rollback of the containment. The study employs a comparative and statistical analyses with special reference to protective measures aimed at the most vulnerable social groups.
  • Changes in configuration of inequality: review of statistical data and perceptual consultations, as well as collection of journalistic information from different countries.
  • Special study of the impact of COVID-19 on most vulnerable groups
  • Evaluation of cultural, emotional, mental and organizational changes in family and personal life: this includes conservative reactions, increased anti-rights agendas, authoritarianism and restriction of personal freedoms.
  • Lessons learned and neglected aspects
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